Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I passed!

Yay for me! I passed my glucose test and all of my 28 week labs! I am still being watched for possible hypertension,but at least I dont have to worry about all those other things too!

Ethan has been curling up in my belly and at times it really feels like hes going to pop out.Hes mainly staying up high on my right side.He is still moving around a good bit but not as much as he was. At first I was very worried with the decrease in movement but my dr reassured me it is just bc Ethan is getting less and less room to move around in. She also told me he would start to curl up (and he did!)

Greg is still doing good! He got the new batman game so he has been spending all his time on that mess.

I go back to the reg ob next thur and to the mfm next fri for another us! Im really ready for next fri to get here! I wanna see how much my lil man has grown! It feels like he has a lot and my tummy looks alot bigger!!

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