I feel like it never ends! We have been so busy it seems. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ethan slept just about all day long :) the 3 of us went to my dads and then my mother in laws and ate (Ethan slept in the car seat and only woke up 1 time lol) Greg and I got stuffed full of good food and the best part is I didn't have to cook! I made my Grandmom's broccoli casserole and thats it..Lisa and Karen made everything else.
Friday..the day went pretty well, I got up at 3am to go shopping on the dreadful black friday with my sis and got some great deals! For $113 I got: 6 pairs of pants, 8 shirts, 6 dvds, 1 video game, 3 toys, 1 mixer,and 1 chopper machine! After shopping I came home and took a nap then got up with Ethan so Greg could go out for awhile...thats when the fun began. Ethan decided to have a meltdown that I thought would never end. He screamed like I have never heard before and wouldn't stop. Nothing worked.I changed him,tried to feed him,gave him a paci,put him in the swing,rocked him,walked with him,layed him down,just held him..ect. After over 2hrs of nonstop screaming and crying and his alarm going off 18x's I took him down to dads. Amanda tried to calm him and couldn't get him calm either.I called the Dr to see what she thought and she had me check his back and other things and she was at a loss too. She told me if it didnt stop soon to take him to the er to have him checked.At this point dad and Lisa got home and Lisa held him,and guess what? The little butt took a bottle for her,got quiet and went to sleep. Wouldnt ya know. The dr called back to check on him and told me to bring him into the office first thing sat morning.
Sat, we go to the dr office only to find out the poor little guy has acid reflux and thats what was causing the prob the night before. They put him on meds for it ($40 meds OUCH!!) and told me to bring him back on mon so they can make sure its working ok.They also said that he has a yeast infection from the thrush. They said it can travel through his urine and cause it, so I got this cream stuff I have to put on him till it is gone (which it almost is.) After the dr office I took Ethan with me to walmart to fill his prescriptions and while there Ethan took his first ever pic with Santa!! It was so funny. Ethan had just woke up,I handed him to Santa and they clicked the pic then Ethan screamed..at least the camera guy was quick! Later Sat afternoon I went Christmas shopping with dad and Lisa and got lots of good stuff for Ethan!
Sun we stayed at home all day and had a nice lazy day!
Mon, we went back to the dr and he said that Ethan seems to be doing very well on the reflux meds so he will keep him on the one they just prescribed. (Good thing bc i cant afford to buy more right now at that price!) The dr also told me that he will be on this reflux meds until he is 1yr old.
Today I took Ethan to get pics made and they were precious but EXPENSIVE!!! I had a coupon for $10 for one pose and just a few pics of it..so I bought that..otherwise the cheapest package is $100.WOW who woulda thought. I will get my pics in 2 weeks so Ill post it then..I may buy the rest of them in a week or two..Im not sure if i can afford to though. I also had to go for my 6 week post partum appt. today. I have healed very well. They did a ultrasound on my back to look at the nerves and said that severe nerve damage was done when they did the spinal ( I coulda told ya that with all the pain Ive been having since.and as much digging and resticking as they did) they told me I could go to the anestesiologist and have him refer me to a neurosurgeon to talk about surgery or I could just take meds to tolerate pain..I chose meds!! I dont have time to have a surgery and recover..nor do I want to. Im still amazed that they can see nerves with a us..I didnt think they could.But I do remember them doing a us on my leg a few yrs back to see my veins and such so I guess they can see that too?
Well, it is 1am and Ethan is finally asleep, so I am gonna try to catch a hr or so before he wakes back up! Wish me luck!!!
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